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Retained Primitive Reflex Corrections

Keep in mind these aren't ALL the primitive reflexes and that there are a number of different ways these can be tested & corrected. I have just assembled here some of the ways that I do it and what i think will give you the most important changes. Obviously the age of your child and their ability to cooperate has a bearing on how well you can actually DO any of these. Just try your best.


Testing for the Reflex

& the Integration Exercises

Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex

Ideally done with eyes closed.

Symmetric Tonic Neck reflex

Ideally done with eyes closed.

Moro Reflex

Spinal Galant

Suckling Reflex

Palmar Grasp Reflex

Ideally done with eyes closed.

Tendon Guard Reflex (and Babinski)

Thank You!. I sincerely hope you can apply what you have learned here and can get some tiny miracles!

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If you are in the Greater Toronto Area and would like a consult for your child with Dr. Marco to see how chiropractic functional neurology & Network Spinal Care can help your child you can call the office 905-477-8900 or e-mail

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